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Top How To Draw A Flower Of Life in the world Check it out now

Written by San Andy Feb 07, 2023 · 5 min read
Top How To Draw A Flower Of Life in the world Check it out now

Flower drawing

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If you’re looking to add a touch of sacredness to your artwork, you might want to learn how to draw a flower of life. This ancient symbol has been used for centuries to represent unity, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Pain Points

For many people, drawing a flower of life can seem like a daunting task. It involves intricate geometry and precise measurements. If you don’t have much experience with drawing, you might feel overwhelmed by the prospect of creating such an intricate design.

How to Draw a Flower of Life

Don’t worry, though; with a bit of practice and patience, almost anyone can learn how to draw a flower of life. The first step is to gather your materials – you’ll need a compass, a ruler, and a pencil. Once you have your tools ready, follow these steps:

  1. Draw a circle with your compass. This will serve as the outer edge of your flower of life.
  2. Mark the center point of your circle with a dot. This is where all of your future measurements will originate.
  3. Draw six more circles around your central circle, with each circle’s center point touching the edge of the previous one. These seven circles should all be the same size.
  4. Use your ruler to measure a point on the edge of one circle, directly opposite the center point. Then, draw a straight line from that point to the center point.
  5. Repeat step four five more times, until you have six lines coming out of the center point, all evenly spaced around the circle.
  6. Next, draw a circle around each outer point where two lines overlap. You should end up with 19 circles in total.
  7. Finally, use your ruler to connect the outer edges of each circle. You should end up with a beautiful, intricate flower of life.

Of course, this is just one method of drawing a flower of life. There are many variations on this design, and you can experiment with different shapes, colors, and sizes to create your own unique version.

Personal Experience

When I first attempted to draw a flower of life, I was intimidated by the precision involved. However, I found that once I got started and developed a rhythm, the process became soothing and meditative. I also enjoyed experimenting with different colors and textures to create a unique version that resonated with me.

Tips and Tricks

If you’re struggling to create a perfect flower of life, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Start with a light pencil outline to guide your measurements, and erase it once you’re satisfied with your design.
  • Take breaks often, and don’t be afraid to start over if you mess up.
  • Experiment with different colors and textures to create a truly unique flower of life that speaks to you.
  • Practice regularly to improve your skills and build your confidence.

Benefits of Drawing a Flower of Life

In addition to being a beautiful and symbolic design, drawing a flower of life can have many benefits for your mind and spirit. Some people find that the process of creating such an intricate design can be meditative and calming, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Others feel a sense of connection to something larger than themselves, as they contemplate the infinite interconnectedness of the universe.

Safety Precautions

When working with a compass and other drawing tools, it’s important to take safety precautions to avoid accidents or injury. Always use tools as intended, and keep sharp points away from your face and body. If you’re new to drawing, consider taking a class or consulting with a professional to learn proper techniques and safety tips.


Q: Can I use different colored pencils to create a more vibrant flower of life?

A: Absolutely! Experiment with different colors, textures, and materials to create a flower of life that is truly unique and speaks to you.

Q: Is it necessary to use a compass and ruler to draw a flower of life?

A: While you can certainly attempt to draw a flower of life freehand, using a compass and ruler will help ensure precision and accuracy.

Q: How long does it take to draw a flower of life?

A: The amount of time it takes to draw a flower of life will depend on your skill level and the complexity of your design. For beginners, it may take several hours to complete.

Q: What is the meaning behind the flower of life symbol?

A: The flower of life has been used for centuries as a symbol of unity, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things. Some people also associate it with spiritual and metaphysical philosophies.


Drawing a flower of life can seem daunting at first, but with a bit of practice and patience, anyone can learn this ancient art form. By following these steps and experimenting with different shapes, colors, and textures, you can create a unique and meaningful flower of life that resonates with you. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, drawing a flower of life can be a calming and meditative practice that connects you to the infinite interconnectedness of the universe.

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Photo Credit by: bing.com / compasses

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Photo Credit by: bing.com / flower drawing

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